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E- Learning for School Students Using Mobile Cloud Computing

Issue Abstract

Cloud computing is one of the modern development of the era. Mobile cloud computing (MCC) is the combination of mobile and cloud computing system. Mobile cloud computing is used in school education system for E-learning. Cloud computing is cost effective and gives us more data that can be access through online through an computer or mobile. E-learning is one the most effective method of learning in recent days in schools. Mobile cloud computing consist of mobile applications which helps in e-learning. Less usage of internet is also an advantage in mobile cloud computing. Mobile applications were design based on the subjects in the schools especially science, maths etc. E-learning materials are also available in this cloud system. This paper is about how E-learning process is carried through mobile cloud computing.
Keywords: Mutual Funds, Domination in Commerce, Brokers, Investors

Author Information
S.Habeeb Ur Rahaman
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Nov 2017
Issue Pages