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Digitalization and job satisfaction among bank employees : A comparative study of Public and Private sector banks

Issue Abstract


The study entitled “Digitalisation and Job Satisfaction among Bank Employees: A Comparative Study of Public and Private Sector Banks in Kerala” focused on public and private sector bank workers job satisfaction after the digitalization in the banking sector. Digitalization and job satisfaction is quite a different when it is considered as an entity. But have there is high correlation between digitalization and job satisfaction after the implementation of digitalization in the banking sector. The primary aim of digitalisation in the banking sector was made a core banking platform and after that the boundary of digitalization has been expanded. The present study has been designed to evaluate the workers’ occupation fulfilment after the digitalization in the banking sector. After the digitalization, the manual transactions related to the banking sector was reduced and made an intangible cable was linked between banks and customers. This research study has covered public sector and private sector bank staffs in Kerala. SBI were carefully chosen from public sector and Federal bank was selected from private sector. A total of 544 employees were carefully chosen as the samples of the study. The learning is centered on primary information through using a questionnaire. The composed primary data was examined with the help of MS Excel, SPSS 25th version and JASP software. The result of the study was private sector bank employees’ satisfaction is higher than the public sector bank employees’ satisfaction with regards to the digitalization in the banking sector.
Keywords : Digitalization, Job satisfaction

Author Information
Jisha .P .S
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Jun 2019
Issue Pages

Issue References

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