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Digital Marketing for new Entrepreneurs

Issue Abstract

Marketing is a way of connecting the customers in the right place at the right time. Today marketing means, meeting the customers where they spend more time. Now most of the public spends their time on the internet. Internet access is also rapidly growing day to day from 2G to 5G. Similarly, the internet users are also in an increasing trend. The motive of every concern is to increase their profits by attracting more customers. They have to go with the changing pattern of the customers. So, the businesses have started to turn towards online marketing, to attract the customers through online. Due to this change lakhs and lakhs of products are sold through online. Based on this few questions arise. Can all the entrepreneurs do online marketing? How far it is possible for a new entrepreneur? India is an agricultural country, and most of the population is from rural areas. How far do the new entrepreneurs from Rural areas go for digital marketing? This study paves the way for the above questions.


Received : 11th January 2019

Accepted : 30th January 2019
Published : 13th February 2019



Author Information
Dr. P. Archanaa
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Feb 2019
Issue Pages

Issue References

2. marketing/digital marketing
3. marketing
4. marketing/& ved=2 ah UKE wjw s8w1