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Digital Globe and Ecological Goods Utilization: A Green Outlook

Issue Abstract

The impact of environmental concerns have raised the attention from human society since last decade. Today, environmental awareness is spreading thick and fast and has directed the central and state governments to introduce programmes regarding environmental issues at all levels. The main objective of the study is to identify the awareness of consumers about the Eco-Friendly products and environmental concern that influences the consumers on the Consumption of Eco-Friendly products. Both primary and secondary data have been used in the
study. Data were collected through interview schedule method from 169 sample respondents. The collected data have been analyzed by using factor analysis and path analysis. The results show that the interrelationship exists between Environmental concern and awareness towards Eco-friendly products. Awareness about eco-friendly products purchase and concern on environment has direct relation and statistically significant with the consumption of eco-friendly products.
Keywords: Online Banking, Digitalization, strategy

Author Information
Dr. Chi. Nanjappa
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Oct 2022
Issue Pages

Issue References

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