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Demonetization and Digital Economy in India

Issue Abstract

It is a well-known fact that digital India is the outcome of many innovations and technological advancements. These transform the lives of people in many ways and will empower the society in a better manner. The 'Digital India' programmes an initiative of honorable Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi, will emerge new progressions in every sector and generates innovative endeavors for geNext. The motive behind the concept is to build participative, transparent and responsive system. The Digital India drive is a dream project of the Indian Government to remodel India into a knowledgeable economy and digitally empowered society, with good governance for citizens by bringing synchronization and co-ordination in public accountability, digitally connecting and delivering the government programs and services to mobilize the capability of information technology across government departments. Today, every nation wants to be fully digitalized and this programme strives to provide equal benefit to the user and service provider. Hence, an attempt has been made in this paper to understand Digital India – as a campaign where technologies and connectivity will come together to make an impact on all aspects of governance and improve the quality of life of citizens.

Author Information
Mr. T. Mutyalu
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Jul 2017
Issue Pages

Issue References

1. Future of Money, Mint, Leslie D'Monte, also available at World Payments Report 2016, Capgemini and BNP Paribas.
2. World Insurance Report 2016, Capgemini and Efma.
3. Internet users in India to reach 600 million by 2020: Assocham-Deloitte study.
4. Safety first in cashless drive, Jayati Ghose, The Telegraph,
5. E-wallets used to siphon off money, V Narayani, Times of India,
6. After demonetization, e-wallets strike it rich, while India runs out of cash, Javed Anwer, India Today, Demonetisation in India: Driving a digital treasure hunt, Yogesh K Dwivedi, Brink Asia,