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Customers’ Satisfaction in ATM Service an Empirical Evidences from Public and Private Sector Banks in Tamil Nadu

Issue Abstract

ATM is convenient and time saving to use as it acts like“mini bank”providing cash to the needy customers at anytime, anywhere whenever and wherever there is an ATM counter. ATM means neither “avoids traveling with money” nor “any time money,” but certainly implies both. Slim ATM cards are fast replacing confounding withdrawal forms as a convenient way of getting your money from banks..The proposed study reveals that the customers are aware about the Cash withdrawalservices of ATMs. Balance enquiry service is ranked on second position on awareness scale. In the same manner customer prefer ATMs for withdrawal purpose while second
preference is given to mini statement facility. The awarenesslevel about ATM services is very low to the rural customers.Automated teller machines (ATMs) were the first well-known machines to provide electronic access to customers. The present proposal of the studythis paper to find out the impact of ATM on customer satisfaction. This is a comparative study of two banks i.e. Private sector banks and Public sector banks in TamilNadu. The objectives of the present research to find out Whether private sector banks or Public sector banks are providing more satisfactory ATM service . To also find out the Empirical evidences to the customers perception

Author Information
Dr. R. Leelavathy
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Mar 2018
Issue Pages
77- 82

Issue References


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