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Customer’s Awareness about Green Banking in Public Sector and Private Sector Banks of Pathanamthitta District, Kerala

Issue Abstract

Green banking means promoting environmental-friendly practices and reducing your carbon footprint from your banking activities. As environmental issues gain greater attention, pressure is being placed on all industries, including financial institutions to implement Green Initiatives. Banking sector is one of the major sources of financing for commercial projects which is one of the most important economic activities for economic growth. Therefore, banking sector can play a crucial role in promoting environmentally sustainable and socially responsible investment. The study aims to identify the opinion and awareness of bank customers as regards to green banking concept in public and private sector banks of Pathanamthitta dist. of Kerala.
Keywords: Green banking, Awareness, Customers, Environment etc.

Author Information
Santhi .V.R
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Oct 2019
Issue Pages

Issue References

1. Angelos Papastergiou and George Blanas (2011). Sustainable Green Banking: The Case of Greece. Papastergiou-Blanas.204-215, MIBES 2011.

 2. BrotoRauthBhardwaj., AarushiMalhotra. (201.3). Green Banking Strategies: Sustainability through Corporate Entrepreneurship. Greener Journal of Business and Management Studies ISSN: 2276-7827. Vol. 3 (4). pp. 180-193. 

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4. Green Banking Policy of BASIC bank Ltd. Bangladesh. Head Office, Dhaka, viewed from Banking.php. on 28.10.2016

 5. Green Banking Policy. (2011).United Commercial Bank LTD. Corporate Head office, Dhaka Instruction Circular, 1094 (A). December 29, 2011.