Health expenditure is increasing day by day which most people pay out of their pockets. In the current scenario of consistently increasing medical expenses, most people spend more money on medical expenses in comparison to health insurance. In the case of having health insurance, paying out of pocket or borrowing money can be avoided. The study tries to know which factors affect health insurance and for the successful implementation of health insurance coverage, it is necessary to understand the basic dynamics of consumer preferences, acceptability, pricing of health insurance products and satisfaction obtained from it. The main objectives of the study are; to find out the customer awareness towards health insurance policies and to analyse the policyholder’s level of satisfaction on various aspects of health insurance policies. The present study is based on primary and secondary data. The study is mainly based on primary data. Secondary data have also been used for the study. Secondary data is collected from nationally published journals, research thesis, articles, etc. For the analysis and interpretation of collected data various statistical tools like percentages, Likert scale, Garratt ranking, and diagrams have been used.
Keywords: Health Insurance, Customer Satisfaction, Health Insurance Products
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