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A Critical Evaluation of Innovative Teaching Pedagogies in Higher Education for The 3600 Development of Students

Issue Abstract


Education is a process of imparting knowledge, abilities, and life skills, to an individual which shapes his/her career. India, being the second most highly populated country in the world has the biggest strength i.e., Human resources and they are the ultimate future drivers of the country. They are the key contributors to the economic development of a nation. It becomes the educational institution’s responsibility to impart this quality in education to match the expectations of the corporate/ industry standards. The “university degree” whether commerce, management, or any stream is a medium through which the students gain the knowledge to handle the respective responsible jobs. The curriculum for the degree to be awarded is been designed by the universities and certain monitoring bodies who facilitate the students to gain these skill sets required. The current paper addresses one of the most challenging issues in management education i.e., “The art of integration of the curriculum as a whole” and the necessary innovative environment for the same. It is observed that the education system is evaporative and is only aimed at completing the semester designed. What is being taught in the first semester, is not being carried forward cumulatively for the next semester and the course till the end. In this context, some of the research questions are- is management education semester-specific or outcome-specific? Are the subjects taught in isolation or integration? Are the learning objectives of the subjects within and between semesters sinter-related? Is there innovative pedagogy to implement these practices? Are the industry-integration programs which are a must in the West, still a dream from reality in the Indian context? What could be the possible challenges in meeting these objectives? To answer these research questions, the current paper used exploratory and descriptive research approaches. Management education is taken into consideration in the study. The curriculum from Bangalore University MBA Program- CBSC syllabus 2017 is taken into consideration for the same and analyzed. This conceptual paper scrutinizes whether the syllabus design is progressively and cumulatively or not and also aims to give suggestions as to how it can be integrated innovatively.
Keywords: Management education, integration, innovation, progressive education

Author Information
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Issue Publish Date
05 Jan 2016
Issue Pages

Issue References


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