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Creating a Sustainable Future for Inclusive Growth: Conceptual and Operational Issues

Issue Abstract

Limits to growth and Limitless growth are two opposing paradigms. Earth summit 1992 has synthesized these two opposing paradigms through the concept of sustainable development and assured us about „our common future‟ - sustainable future which assures us at least: Sustained total utility for all and intergenerational equity. Thus sustainable growth is inevitable for inclusive growth. This paper discusses the concept of sustainable development and related concept of sustainability. It also deals with the constraints as well operational issues in the context of individual country and guiding principles for planning, programming and implementation of sustainable development programs. Obviously these principles can be meaningfully employed in economic growth model for Indian economy for Sustainable future.
Keywords: Sustainable development (SD), Weak and very weak sustainability (WS & VWS), Strong and very strong sustainability (SS &VSS), Operational principles for sustainable development planning

Author Information
Dr. Siddharth C. Thaker
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Mar 2018
Issue Pages

Issue References


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