Many of our natural resources are being depleted at an alarming rate and it makes conservation, the urgent need of today. Two major reports viz., United Nations Environment Programmer’s (UNEP) and the Brundtland Commission’s have drawn world attention to the need for long-term environmental strategies to achieve sustainable development. Even the constitution of India Article 51 A g stated that:“ It shall be duty of every citizen to protect and improve the natural environment, including forests, lakes, rivers and wildlife and to have compassion for living creatures”. Further, the Hon’ble supreme court’s directive to develop a model syllabus of environmental education as a compulsory subject in a graded manner for the entire school stage was welcomed. In this junction, there is an urgent need for people to understand the present environmental crisis in order to save our mother nature. It is possible only if the people are aware about its repercussions through environmental education. It will lead to enlighten the society on environmental issues with a slogan of ‘think globally and act locally’.
Vijandra, Kumar,(2000)”Modern Methods of Teaching Environmental Education”, Sarup and Sons: New Delhi.
Neelima, B.N and Nair, K.R.(2001) “Environmental Education through Media”, Journal of Indian Education 27(2)New Delhi.
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Smriti Bhosle, (2006)., “Environmental Education in Schools “University News, 42(12) New Delhi.
Dutt, B.S.V.( 2006) Environmental Education : The Need of the Hour in Ghanta R . and Digumarti, B.R (eds) Environmental Education: Problems and Prospects, New Delhi: Discovery Publication.
Mukundan., N., (2004)” Environment Peoples Participation and Sustainable Rural Development –An Overview” Kurukshetra ( A Journal of Rural Development) Vol 54 No 9 New Delhi.
Sailaja, S. (2006) “Role of Teachers in Environmental Education”, University News 44(12) New Delhi.