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Cost and Returns in the Production of Paddy – A Study from Salem District

Issue Abstract

In Tamilnadu, one of the states in India, rice is the main food. Tamil Nadu contributes a major share in the production of paddy and it is produced by millions of farmers. Despite these achievements, the farmers in Tamilnadu are not able to get a fair price for the paddy and paddy cultivation has become uneconomic over the years. Such a serious problem that affects the livelihood of 65 percent of total population in the State has aroused the interest of the researcher to probe into the matter. Even though, agriculture is the main occupation of our economy, it involves many risks and uncertainties. In this situation this study analyzed the cost and returns in the production of paddy.

Author Information
Dr. S. Revathy
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Jan 2018
Issue Pages

Issue References


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3) Directorate of Agricultural Marketing and Inspection of India, 1990. 

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