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Corporate Social Responsibility – The Indian Trend

Author Information
Dr. Pardeep Kumar
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Mar 2018
Issue Pages

Issue References


1) Adhya, Partha Sarthi (2011), Corporate Social Responsibility: The Indian Trend, in Dipak Dass and Sanjai Kumar edited (2011) Corporatization and Corporate Social Responsibility, SBS Publishers, New Delhi.
2) Buchholtz, R.A. (1990), The Evolution of Corporate Responsibility, Penguin, New York.
3) Connon, T. (1994), Corporate Responsibility – A Textbook on Business Ethics, Governance, Environment and
Responsibilities, Pitman, London.

4) Verma, J.R. (1997), Corporate Governance in India, Disciplining the Dominant Shareholder, I.I.B.M. Management Review. Vol 9, No. 4