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Contemporary CSR and Green HRM Practices by the Organizations to attain Sustainability in the Millennial Age

Issue Abstract

The Millennials is the term given to the people who were born from the 1980s to the early 2000s and are also called the Generation Y. Millennials include, generation Y and Generation Z (born in 1991-2001). They represent $2.45 trillion of the spending power. Over 70% of them spend more on brands supporting causes they care about. Corporate Social Responsibility persists as one of the important factors in building relationships with millennials. Brands need to pay attention to social causes and show sincere support rather than using CSR as another tool for profit making. Recent researches warn companies to keep an extra-sensitive eye on their millennial customers as they are considered to have the greatest wealth transfer in history. As the Millennials possess the greater buying power today, it is advised for companies to look into business practices that a millennial customer would relate to such as, Going Green‘. Today, the New Age customer‘ looks into the sustainability practices of the organization and assesses the organization‘s value, and shifts to other organizations that follow low-impact and greener choices. This study elucidates the:
1. Challenges faced by the Organizations to practice Corporate Social Responsibility in this millennial age.
2. Significance of Green HRM practices in CSR

Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility, Green Human Resource Management, Millennial Age.


Received : 16th January 2019 

Accepted : 30th January 2019
Published : 13th February 2019



Author Information
I. Valantina
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Feb 2019
Issue Pages

Issue References

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