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Consumer Based Brand Equity and its Impact on Repurchase Intention: An Analytical Study of Smart Phone Consumers in Chennai

Issue Abstract

The paper aims to analyse the impact of brand equity dimensions on repurchase intention in the Smart Phone Industry in Chennai. Based on a sample of 200 consumers in Chennai City, descriptive and inferential analysis are carried out. Correlation and Multiple Regression Analysis are used to test the hypotheses. The research reveals that brand awareness, brand association, perceived quality, brand trust and brand loyalty have a significant impact on consumers‟ intention to repurchase the Smart Phones. The study suggests that Smart Phone manufacturers should build a brand and promote its brand awareness through sales promotion, advertising, and other marketing activities. When brand awareness is high, its brand association and loyalty will also increase. Consumers will evaluate perceived quality of a product from their purchase experience. As a result, brand trust and brand loyalty will increase and also improve the repurchase intention towards the Smart Phones.
Keywords: Brand Awareness, Brand Association, Perceived Quality, Brand Trust, Brand Loyalty, Repurchase Intention.

Author Information
Dr. N. Leela
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Jul 2017
Issue Pages