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Constraints Faced by Farmers on the Adoption of Watershed Technology in Madurai District

Issue Abstract

Watershed technology is an essential component of the watershed development programmes. It covers soil and water conservation technology and crop production technology. It enables the farmers to improve agricultural yields and non-farm incomes. However, the earlier research studies on watershed technology in India reported that the farmers could not follow the watershed technology as they have faced a lot of constraints on its adoption. An attempt has been made in the present study to analyse the various constraints on the adoption of watershed technology based on the primary data provided by the sample farmers. Purposive sampling technique has been exercised for choosing the respondents. Remunerative prices of agricultural products may be fixed by the way of determining Minimum Support Prices scientifically. The provision of easy credit at a subsidized interest rate may enable the farmers to adopt costly watershed technologies including construction of farm pond on their fields. An insurance scheme may be evolved to protect the farmers from the risk in the adoption of watershed technology on their fields.
Key Words: Soil and water conservation technology, Crop production technology, Panchayat run PIAs, NGO run PIAs, Watershed Development Fund, Garret Ranking Technique.

Author Information
M. Nizam Mydeen
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Jul 2022
Issue Pages

Issue References

1. G.L. Bagdi, (2001): Constraints Faced by Farmers in Soil and Water Conservation Programme for Watershed Development in Natural Resources Management for Sustainable Development in Western India edited by S.N.Prasad and Singh R.K., Allied Publishers Private Limited, New Delhi.
2. R.C. Patel and Popat M.N. (2003): Constraints in Adoption of Technology for Watershed Management, Gujarat Journal of Extension Education, Vol.XIV. pp.52-54.
3. Sisodia et al. (2007): Constraints in Adoption of Watershed Development Technologies-A Case Study in Rajasamand District of Rajasthan. Indian Journal of Soil Conservation, Vol.35(3) pp.249-251.
4. V.V. Prajapati and Patel B.K. (2013): Constraints Faced by the Beneficiary Farmers in Adoption of Watershed Crop Production Technology, AGRES – An International e-Journal Vol. 2(2), pp.240-245.