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A Comparative Study on the Investment Habits of Government and Private Employees at Chennai

Issue Abstract

Individuals have a belief that they do not need any financial planning as their income and expenses are regular, which is very much wrong. The people believe that their savings which they accumulate in their bank do not require any intervention to maximize financial gains. Even after „n‟ several research and studies, in the areas of savings and investment patterns of investors and individuals in various financial and physical investment avenues like bank deposits, real estate, and assets like gold and silver, it becomes all the more important to study and analyze by adopting advanced research in the preferences, risk perceptions, perception on return on investment and level of satisfaction towards various investment avenues available to the Government and private sector employees among people residing in Chennai. Taking these various issues into consideration, the undertaking of the present study was deemed mandatory. The present study has been carried out to know the investment pattern of Government and Private Employees and to find out the various factors affecting the investment decisions of Government and Private employees who are residing in Chennai.


Received : 10th January 2019 

Accepted : 30th January 2019
Published : 13th February 2019


Author Information
S. Thangameena
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Feb 2019
Issue Pages

Issue References

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