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Combustion Method for Synthesis of Nanoparticles

Issue Abstract

Combustion synthesis has emerged as promising route for synthesis of variety of oxide, metals, alloys and sulphide nanoparticles in nanocrystalline form. The starting materials for this process are precursor and fuel. A stoichiometric amount of precursor and fuel is usually mixed to generate self-propagating exothermic reaction which allows the formation of finer nanoparticles. This technique can also help in controlling size of nanoparticles, composition, structure, and morphology of synthesized nanoparticles by adjusting the choice of precursor arterial and type of fuel. This technique results in formation of nanoparticles which are used for different applicationsin the different areas. More precisely, an application of synthesis involves various opto-electronic devices, to store energy, andbiological, and magnetic applications.
Keyword: Combustion, precursors, fuel, solution combustion, nanoparticle, synthesis.

Author Information
Karanpreet Virk
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Dec 2022
Issue Pages

Issue References

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