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Cashless Society

Issue Abstract


The Cashless society is describe an economic state where by financial transactions are not conducted with money in the form of physical banknotes / coins, but rather than the transfer of digital information between the transacting parties. Cashless society had exist from the time when human society came into existence, based on barter and other methods of exchanges, and cashless transactions have also become possible in modern times using digital currency  as bitcoin. the term ‘cashless society’ in the sense of a move towards, and implications of, a society where cash is replaced by its digital equivalent in other words, legal tender (currency) exists, is recorded, and is exchanged only in electronic digital form. A concept had discuss widely range than, particularly because the world is experiencing a rapid and increasing use of digital types of recording, managing, and exchanging money in commercial, investment and day to day life in many parts of the world, and transaction are which would historically have been under taken with cash are often now under taken electronically.

Keywords: New Economic World, Monetary
Received: March 2022             Accepted: March 2022     Published: April 2022      

Author Information
J. Dhivya
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Apr 2022
Issue Pages

Issue References


  1. Team, T. R. (2016). Demonetisation: Impact on the Economy. NIPFP working paper series. 

  2. Sharma, D. A. (2017) 1. Potential for Cashless Economy in India. Indian Journal of Accounting , 91-99.2