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Behaviour of Conusmers Towards Instant Cooking Food Products (With Special Reference to Chennai City)

Issue Abstract

The post-liberalization phase in India has gone through plenty of changes in the marketplace. The transition phase has created the concept of “Holistic Marketing” in contemporary times. Quality advancements, media revolution, technological advancements service culture, and healthy competition among firms to satisfy the consumers have educated the customers like never before. The main objective of this study is to identify factors (demographic factors and behavioral factors) influencing consumer attitudes toward these products. For this purpose, 100 respondents were selected by using the Area Probability Sampling method with an association of Judgment Sampling and data gathered from them through questionnaires and personal interviewing. The findings showed the majority of the consumers for these products were young generation people especially students and working people below 40 years who belong to a nuclear family with moderate monthly income level. It was also found that television was the major source of medium for consumer awareness, and the interest of consumers towards these products was instant consumption, timesaving, taste, and convenience to use them as snacks. Therefore it is recommended that these food manufacturers pay much attention to attractive packaging, health and nutrients, and quality and intermediaries should stress effective sales promotion activities to increase the consumption of these products and sustainability. Instant Cooking food products play a key role among the people in today's busy lifestyle. It is observed that there is a huge flow of products into the consumer market in Chennai city. The present study attempted to analyze the consumer behavior towards taste and preference of Instant Food Products by individual households and to predict the demand for Instant Food Products. All the respondents were aware of pickles and Sambar masala but only 56.67 percent of respondents were aware of the Dosa/Idli mix.
Keywords: Consumer Attitudes, Impulsive buying, Instant cooking

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Issue Publish Date
05 Nov 2016
Issue Pages

Issue References


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