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Artificial Intelligence and Human Thinking

Issue Abstract

Intelligence is the most needed crux for any activity. Any stream of working or learning process, Intelligence plays a key role in that. But in recent decade, real intelligence was taken a step back and artificial intelligence has taken a strong stand in all the fields. This paper we are going to find the role of Human Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence and the thought process of human towards the replacement of real intelligence.  The thoughts of the humans are analyzed and interpreted on the basis of Questionnaire Collection with a sample of 120 respondents. Tools are applied for the interpretation and conclusion is derived.


  • Artificial Intelligence

  • Human Intelligence

  • Situational Analysis

  • Job Replacement

  • Risky future 

Author Information
Dr. K. R. Kolammal
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Sep 2023
Issue Pages

Issue References
