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Approximate Computing of Multipliers Through Partial Product Perforation

Issue Abstract

The Approximate hardware circuits contrary to software approximations offer transistor reduction, lower dynamic and leakage power, lower circuit delay and opportunity for downsizing. Motivated by the limited research on approximate multipliers, compared with the extensive research on approximate adders, and explicitly the lack of approximate techniques targeting the partial product generation, we introduce the partial product perforation method for creating approximate multipliers .we prove in a mathematical manner that in partial product perforation , the imposed errors are bounded and predictable .We show that, compared with the respective exact design, the partial product perforation delivers reductions of up to 50% in power consumption, 45% in area, and 35% in critical delay. In addition, the product perforation method is compared with the state-of-the-art approximation techniques, i.e., truncation, voltage over scaling, and logic approximation, showing that it outperforms them in terms of power dissipation and error.

Author Information
Issue No
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Issue Publish Date
05 May 2017
Issue Pages

Issue References

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