Industry analysts have identified the scope of Automation everywhere and anywhere. The recent development in the field of automation is the Robotic Process Automation or RPA. These are in attribute which is designed to replace human workforce as a virtual workforce. RPA is an approach which is software-based process automation which coordinates the HR functions and actions through capturing and interpretations of existing applications and process. It acts as a virtual workforce which operates on a software which is used to reduce or replace the human interruption in the monotonous or ceaseless assignments and tasks. RPA can be employed to interact with existing practice and appliances without changing the current IT-panorama. The research topic forwards to learn and understand the past RPA projects and its implementation for attaining a competitive edge. This study focuses on the effectiveness of implementing RPA in HR department of the company through the circulation of questionnaires in order to obtain the response from the employees of all the departments in the organization.
1. Kukerja and Nervaiya (2016), Study of Robotic Process Automation, Volume 4, issue 6, 434-437
2. Pall Jensson (2018), Robotic Process Automation: Dynamic Roadmap for Successful Implementation, School of Science and Engineering Reykjavík University https://skemman.is/bitstream/1946/31385/1/MS%20Thesis%20-%20GudrunLiljaSigurdardottir.pdf
3. Professor Mary Lacity (2016), Robotic Process Automation: The Next Transformation Lever for Shared Services, paper 16/01 http://www.umsl.edu/~lacitym/OUWP1601.pdf
4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modernism
5. https://www.google.co.in/search?q=meaning+of+rpa&rlz=1C1CHZL_enIN799IN799&oq=MEANING+OF+rpa&aqs=chrome.0.0l5.3639j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8