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Analyzing the impact of students preference on pursuing higher education in abroad

Issue Abstract


This study investigates the impact of various factors on students' preference towards pursuing higher education abroad. The independent variables examined include cost, cultural exposure, personal and professional growth, quality of education, academic reputation, and career prospects. The research employs a quantitative approach, utilizing a snowball sampling technique to gather data from a sample size of 205 participants. Correlation and regression analyses are conducted to assess the relationships between the independent variables and the dependent variable, which is the preference towards higher education abroad. The study aims to provide insights into the complex interplay of factors that influence students' decisions to pursue international education. By understanding the relative importance and impact of each factor, stakeholders in the education sector can better cater to students' preferences and tailor their offerings accordingly. The findings of this research have potential implications for educational institutions, policymakers, and students themselves, contributing to informed decision-making processes and enhancing the overall quality of international education experiences. Ultimately, this study endeavors to shed light on the intricate dynamics that shape students' aspirations for global educational pursuits.

Keywords: Higher education, international education, student preferences, cost, cultural exposure, personal growth, professional growth, quality of education, academic reputation, career prospects, snowball sampling, correlation analysis, regression analysis.

Author Information
Chilukuri Praveen Kumar
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 May 2024
Issue Pages

Issue References


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