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An Analysis of Indian Auto Mobile Industry Economical Slow Down In India

Issue Abstract


Automobile Industry is one of the largest markets in the world. Nowadays, automobiles have become a necessity for everyone. There is a huge scope for automobiles in India, but nowadays Indian automobile industry is facing a big problem, i.e., slowdown. The main purpose of this paper is to discuss the reasons for the slowdown in automobile industry. It analyses the changing scenario of the automobile industry that influences the purchasing behavior of consumers. It explains the sales analysis of various automobile companies in India. It also gives the scope for the future and highlights the solution with the help of new trends which should be adopted by the automobile companies to capture the market and increase the sales in the future. It also throws the light on the new technologies for automobile sectors. 

Keywords : Consumer, Development, Industry, Market, Sales.


Received : 01st January 2020 

Accepted : 15th January 2020 

Published : 15 th February 2020




Author Information
R. Aruna
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Feb 2020
Issue Pages