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Analysis of Income and Expenditure on DCCB in Delta Region

Issue Abstract

Co-operative movement is a socio-economic movement and co-operative society is managed by its members with democratic principles. Co-operation can be understood and the same may be explained as a society of the members, for the members and by the members. Thus, a co-operative society is formed, regulated and directed by an association of its members, applying the rules of democracy with an intention to serve both its own members and the community as a whole. This paper has mainly focused on Thanjavur district which covers majority of the delta region in Tamil Nadu. In this district, there are two select DCCBs, namely, Kumbakonam Central Co-operative Bank (KCCB) and Thanjavur Central Co-operative Bank (TCCB) for the study. This research paper exclusively made from the income statement of both KCCB and TCCB for the study of income and expenditure analysis. Finally to give a common observation from the above select DCCBs.
Keywords: Total Income, Interest Income, CRR – Cash Reserve Ratio, SLR - Statutory Liquidity Ratio, Trend pattern.

Author Information
M. Thilagavathi
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Nov 2017
Issue Pages

Issue References

1. Dr. Mathur, B.S., Cooperation in India – Book Published by SahityaBhavan.
2. Co-operative Banking – by Indian Institute of Banking & Finance - 2011 Macmillan
3. Dr. Mathur, B.S., Cooperation in India – Book Published by SahityaBhavan.
4. Tannan’s Banking Law and Practice in India – 18th edition 1991. Orient law house, New Delhi.
5. Emperor International Journal of Finance and Management Research (EIJFMR) September 2016,
6. Journal of Cooperatives & SHGs, Serials Publications New Delhi.