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An Analysis of the Growth and Variability of Cotton Production in India with Specific Reference to Telangana State

Issue Abstract


The present study was undertaken to examine the growth and instability in cotton area, production, and productivity in India with special reference to the state of Telangana using the secondary time series data from 1990–1991 to 2019–20. The study employed year-on-year growth rates, compound annual growth rates, and instability indices to achieve the objectives of the paper. The results of the study found that for the study period, the CAGR was reported as positive, mainly due to the introduction of BT cotton cultivation and the modernization of agriculture, and that the instability in cotton cultivation areas is less than the instability in cotton production and productivity in India, and this may be due to unfavorable weather conditions. Therefore, policies should be made to reduce the risk of instability in cotton production and make it profitable in order to maintain the high growth rate that has been experienced over the past few years and to reach the world cotton performance averages. These goals should be accomplished in order to sustain the high growth rate that has been experienced over the past few years. 

Keywords: Cotton production, growth, variability, Telangana, India.

Received : April 2022 

Accepted : April 2022 

Published : May 2022

Author Information
Kavi Raju , Dr. K. Anji Reddy
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 May 2022
Issue Pages