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Analysis of Differences Between Leadership Styles Exiphited by Men and Women Managers (With Special Reference to Select it Companies in Bangaluru)

Issue Abstract

In the current business scenario, every organization competes in the global marketplace, and the ability to motivate staff is mandatory. Studies show that managers are adopt different types of leadership can be effective but they differ in their styles of functioning. Hence the researcher wanted to identify the different leadership styles adopted by managers in Indian industries, especially in the IT industries. With the title “Analysis of difference between Leadership Styles Exhibited by Men and Women Managers” – concerning select IT companies in Bengaluru. The total number of respondents for this study was 108 from all levels of managers. The study has attempted to identify the relationship between the leadership styles of managers.
Keywords: Information Technology (IT), Leadership Styles, Commanders, Shepherds, Entrepreneur and Maintenance.

Author Information
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Jul 2015
Issue Pages

Issue References


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