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Agricultural Scenario in India in the Aftermath of New Reforms: With Special Reference toTamilnadu state Economy

Issue Abstract

The 25th anniversary of the 1991 reforms is an important occasion for reflection from its different phases of Indian economy. Twenty-five years ago, India abandoned its traditional socialist policies and embraced economic liberalization and globalization, and consequently, with the passage of time, it became a miracle economy, averaging 8.5 present growths in the 2000s, and is currently the fastest growing major economy in the world. It was such a revolutionary launch that, many drastic changes took place in the Indian Economy after the introduction of reform measures in almost all fields of the economy. In an economy primarily considered as an agrarian economy, an analysis of the agriculture sector in the aftermath of new reforms is a highly relevant work. Agriculture plays an essential role in the process of economic development of India. Besides providing food to nation, agriculture releases labour, provides saving, contributes to market of industrial goods and earns foreign exchange. The present paper makes an analysis on the agricultural scenario in India in the aftermath of new reforms: An Tamilnadu economy is concerned.
Keywords: Economic reforms, Economic liberalization, Globalization, Foreign exchange, Plantation Sector, Plantation crops, Labour intensive, Agro-industrial undertakings. 

Author Information
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Issue Publish Date
05 Aug 2017
Issue Pages

Issue References


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