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Adoption of Fintech Services by Bank Customers in Bengaluru City

Issue Abstract

The usage of Financial Technology (FINTECH) has changed how people conduct banking business. Banks may greatly increase adaptability, accessibility, inclusivity, and profitability by implementing modern technology such as big data analytics, cloud computing, and deep learning. This article examines the extent of Fin Tech awareness and usage as well as the impact of Fin Tech based on the demographic profiles of banking customers. A survey and a simple random sample procedure were used, with a questionnaire serving as the primary data source. The reliability of the data was examined using Cronbach's alpha after the data were collected using a five-point Likert scale. Chi-square, correlation, and ANOVA were used to analyze the data and make inferences. Findings showed that all of the aforementioned constructs had a substantial and favorable association with the intention to use Fin tech, and the study's conclusion shows that specific features can greatly influence how banking customers in Bengaluru City adopt and access fin tech services.
Keywords: Fin Tech, Adopt and Use of Technology, service quality and Security

Author Information
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Sep 2023
Issue Pages

Issue References

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