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Labour Economics

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“LABOUR ECONOMICS” has been designed as a text book for the post graduate course of Manonmaniam Sundaranar University and TANSCHE. In preparing this book, we have referred too many standard authors on the subject to whom we owe our gratitude. Our thanks are due to teachers, colleagues, scholars and students for their constant encouragement. Our thanks are due to the publishers for the excellent cooperation and for the quick and neat execution of the book. We must also thank our family for their forbearance with us during our long periods of silence on the days we were preoccupied with the writing of this book. Our special thanks are due to Dr M. Mahesh, Mr. S. Anish Joseph, Dr. A. Vetry Camillus and Mr. N. Jeyaraj, Assistant Professors, Department of English, S.T. Hindu College, Nagercoil. Our special thanks are due to Mrs. T. Thilakavathi and Dr. T. Sutharsan for typing out the manuscript neatly and carefully. We shall feel amply rewarded if the book is found useful by those for whom it is meant. We crave the indulgence of the readers for the errors that might have crept in inadvertently. Suggestions for improvement are welcome. G. SUBBIAH M. PETCHIAMMAL R. RAMALAKSHMI

Dr. G. Subbiah is serving as the Head at Department of Economics and Research Centre, S.T.Hindu College, Nagercoil. He has earned his Post Graduation in Rural Development from IGNOU, New Delhi. He has an active teaching spanning over fifteen years with an objective of imparting knowledge and usher students to strive for potential excellence. He has to his credit authorship of papers in various Referred National Journals, International Journals of Reputed and Book chapters. His disciplines and research of interest includes: Labour Economics, Indian Economy, Environmental Economics, Entrepreneurial Development, Research Methodology and Historical Research. His aptitude for writing created to bring out this book for the benefit of students.

Dr. M. Petchiammal, Assistant Professor belonging to Department of Economics, Sadakathullah Appa College (Autonomous), Tirunelveli, TamilNadu, India. She is an eminent scholar of repute belongs to the galaxy of writers. She has participated in several International, National and State level conferences, seminars, symposiums and workshops. She has also presented research papers. She has published papers in UGC care listed journals. She is a Life Member of IEASA.

Dr. R. Ramalakshmi is from Nagercoil, Kanniyakumari District. She is working as an Assistant Professor at Department of Economics, S. T. Hindu College, Nagercoil since 2022. She completed co-operative management studies. She completed Ph.D in 2021. It was awarded by Manomaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli. She has published several research papers in National and International Journals. Her research of interest includes: Urban Informal Sector and Street Vendors.






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Dr. G. Subbiah, Dr. M. Petchiammal, Dr. R. Ramalakshmi

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