Chapter 1: Modern Office
Chapter 2: Office Organisation
Chapter 3: Office Manager and Organizational Skills
Chapter 4: Office Services
Chapter 5: Office Records Management
Chapter 6: Office Communication
Chapter 7: Public Relations
Chapter 8: Office Automation
The success of any project or work depends on the encouragement, best wishes, and guidelines of well-wishers, our mother, father, and teachers. express my deep gratitude for the blessing of my mother, father, brother, and sisters. I express my special thanks to the publisher and his whole team. I am grateful for the constant support and guidance from my teacher Prin. H.D.Thorat, Prin.G.H.Barhate, Prin. S.S.Shevale and all my staff members. I take the privilege to thank Hon. Krishiratna Anil Meher, Chairman of Gramonnati Mandal, Narayangaon Pune. Hon.Prakash Pate, President Gramonnati Mandal, Hon. Ravindra Pargaonkar, Honorary Secretory Gramonnati Mandal, and all other directors, and trustees of the Gramonnati Mandal Narayangaon, Pune. I am also thankful to my beloved wife Sonali, Son Shubham, and Shantanu for their encouragement support, and motivation.
It gives me immense pleasure to release the first edition of the reference book titled Office Management. Today, we all are in the age of IT, BT, and Beauty. Today’s education shifted from chock and Duster to Mouse and Monitor. In this Information, communication, and Technology world, every business organization has to change its role and accept the speed and need of the ICT. The present reference book covers the units like Modern offices, Office Organizational skills, Office services, Office Records Management, Office Communication, Public Relations and Office Automation, etc. This Reference Book will be helpful to B.Com, B.B.A., and B.C.A. classes.
It was also useful to M.com, M.B.A., M.P.M., D.B.M., C.A., C.S., and F.C.A. classes. The present Reference Book is also useful to Commerce, Management, Economics students, Teachers, Academician and Business. I have tried my level best to put the element of simplification to a great extent. I expect the Students, Teachers, Academicians, businessmen, Entrepreneurs and Researchers will take advantage of the said Reference Book. I expect feedback and suggestions from the readers which could become the guidelines for the next edition.
Dr J. P. Bhosal